Sunday, April 17, 2011

The magic Formula for Success: I Think I can

Can we learn something from the good old children story - The Little Engine That Could.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Influencing People in Your Workplace

You quickly realise that to get done in your workplace you have to influence others. The real challenge is how do we go about influencing others? Learning to see the situation from the other person's perspective when presenting the arguments to convince people is one option. Highlighting the benefits to the person and key stakeholders do help in building up your support base. Read the article Using Influence to Get Things Done for some strategies to manage your next influencing session.

Boosting Employee Engagement

Is it possible to boost engagement while trying to keep the cost low. Boosting Engagement While Cutting Cost argues that it is possible and cites the experience of Parrish Medical Centre in Florida, USA.

Managing Service Standards in Our Workplace

What can you do to compete in the marketplace, so that you survive and grow. Ritz Carlton uses 'uses data on employee and customer engagement' to sustain an outstanding customer service standards. How the Ritz-Carlton manages the Mystique offers an insight on its practices.

Lessons from campbell Soup

The Gallup Management Journal through a series of article offers useful management lessons and concepts we can use in our work when taking care of the organisation's acaivities. The interview with the CEO of the firm discusses the Campbell Soup. Read the 'When Campbell Was in the Soup'

Saving Campbell Soup Company explains the strategies adopted by the company to win in the marketplace.

Managing for Peak Performance

Employee recognition and feedback practices are the key to building and sustaining peak performance. The Gallup Management Journal's article titled 'What Your Employees need to know' offers practical suggestions to follow in the workplace.

Another aspect one should remember is create the positive emotions in the workplace. Most managers who are comfortable operating on the basis that 'no news is good news' framework do not recognise 'The Power of Praise and Recognition'. Read the article by clicking on the link.

Building a great workplace is that difficult according to the article in Gallup Management Journal. Taking full advantage of 'thousands of moments every day' managers can build positive emotions in the workplace that makes all the difference. 'The Big Impact of Small Interactions' offers how to bring about the life changing outcome when managing the workplace.