Monday, October 27, 2008

Managing Your Career

Are you enjoying your work? If joy at work is something that is impossible for you, its time to learn practical strategies. To cope with your life you need to enjoy your work most of the time. Read the following articles:

How to survive an overwhelming job


5 ways to manage a lousy boss

Battling your boss

Success at Work

Career Review

Writing a resume:
How to write an effective resume?

Managing Your Job Interview

Friday, October 24, 2008

Managing Your Career: Creating Favorable Professional Image

Managing Your Career demands a number of responses. For one thing you are expected to create and sustain a positive image that is professional. It is more than just managing your dressing. You should also learn how to present your ideas. Visit the following site for additional information.

Managing Your Career

Creating an Effective Presentation

Keeping a Professional Image