Friday, January 27, 2012

A Powerful Leadership Tool: The Five Paragraph Order

The August 29, 2011 Time magazine explain how the US veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are bringing their leadership lessons home in an article titled, "The New Greatest Generation". In explaining how the army train its leaders to 'construct an action plan for every mission' introduce the importance of writing a five-paragraph memo, based on SMESC. The following link explain the concept in detail:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coping With Failure

Trade Ruler Game - How Good Are U in making Economic Decisions

The Trade Ruler educational game and related reading are based on the 1977 Prize in Economic Sciences, which was awarded for a theory showing that countries engage in and benefit from trade if their production resources differ from each other. Trade Ruler Game First published: February 2006 Estimated play time: 15 min. Sound: Yes High score: Yes Plug in requirements: Flash 6 » Credits » - What is an economic theory? - How can a country gain from trade according to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory? The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory is about how two countries can get greater gains from trading with each other if they have different resources – one have more labor and the other have more capital (that is technical equipment and machinery). Extracted from: Trade Ruler