Thursday, April 26, 2007

Famous Speeches

Searching for great Speeches from the past is not easy. Try the History Channel. Hear the Words that Changed the World. The site below provide a vast collection of speeches is drawn from the most famous broadcasts and recordings of the 20th century.

Great Speeches

If you wish to have a workshop exclusively for your colleagues/employees in your workplace on the Art of Public Speaking, then you may contact Centre for Creative Thinking (Tel: 63370098) for details.

Martin Luther King's Speeches

To learn how to speak, you must listen to great speeches. Listen to the speeches of Martin Luther King. Ask yourself, what can I learn from his speeches.

Martin Luther King's Speeches


Successful Public Speaking

Learning to speak well in public is a valuable skill.Feeling nervous and uneasy before a speaking engagement is normal. Learning how to manage the nervousness is possible. You may wish to join organisation such as Toastmasters. Try thr following link to get started.


Great Speeches

Martin Luther King Jr's Speech - I Have A Dream

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Understanding Statistics

Regardless of your position in the organisation, you will come across the use of statistics. Unfortunately many of us have no ideas about it. To some of us it is a nightmare.You no longer need to suffer. The Sofia Open Content Initiative, provide an easy to follow lessons and video clips to understand the topic. Try it.

Elementary Statistics

Video on statistics


Arul John Peter

Managing Change

Change is part of every organisation. You need to know how to manage and cope with the changes. In this aspect the following links would be useful.

Understanding Change

Change Management

If you find that you need help in managing change in your workplace, then you may wish to talk to your Training manager about the workshop titled "Riding The Wave". The 2 day workshop is designed to bring about a new perspective to the employees. You may send an email to:


Arul John Peter

Creativity Quotient

I have posted two links to test your creaivity Quotient and Effective Executive


Creativity Quotient


Management skills

You may find the content at the following site useful:

Management Skills

The Centre for Creative Thinking (Tel: 63370098) conducts workshops exclusively for supervsiors and new managers. EQ Skills for Managing people, The Art of SuperVision are some of the workshops are some of the workshops offered by the Centre for Creative for details.


The Art of Delegation

To be successful in the work place you should know how to delaget. Read the article at the following site to familiarise yourself about delegation:

The Art of Delegation

If you wish to have a workshop exclusively for your colleagues/employees in your workplace on the Art of Delegation, then you may contact Centre for Creative Thinking (Tel: 63370098) for details.


Building Trust@Work

If you want to know how to build trust in the workplace, please read the
following articles:

Building Trust

If you wish to have a workshop exclusively for your colleagues/employees in your workplace on the Building Trust @ Workplace, then you may contact Centre for Creative Thinking (Tel: 63370098) for details.


Decision Making Made easy

We all need to make decisions all the time. Additional information on
decision making process. It adopts a comprehensive approach. If you
have the time, this is an interesting
site to visit:

Decision making


Understanding Management Concepts

No time to attend classes to know more about management. Then you will
find the following site useful:

Management Concepts


Arul John Peter

Managing Your Career Transition

If you would like to read and familiarise yourself about Career
Transistion then this site should be useful:

Managing Your Career Trainsition

Arul John Peter

Challenging Your Mind

The articles at the following website useful. They are free to read
online, but requires payment if you want to download them in PDF

Mind Tools


Arul John Peter
Centre 4 Cre8tive Thinking

Creating Positive Image

Your success depend on how well you manage your image. Interested in creating positive professional image, read the article from harvard:

Creating Positive Image

Arul John Peter

Resume Writing

The following sites provide a broad understanding about writing an effective resume. However, do not seek their professional services, as they will charge a fee. If you are interested for an hands-on session, check with your neighbourhood Community Centres.

Get started in writing your resume. Visit the following websites:

Resume Writing

resume writing and Interview Skills


Managing Your Next Job Interview

Do you know how to handle the job interview? Visit the following site
for details on job interview

Managing The Job Interview

Understanding Leadership Concepts

If you are looking for practical tools that will enable you to become
a better supervisor, try the following links:

Understanding Leadership

If you wish to have a workshop exclusively for your colleagues/employees in your workplace on leadership skills and leadership related training, then you may contact Centre for Creative Thinking (Tel: +65 63370098) for details.

Communication Skills for Supervisors

How do you keep track of the job skills.To be effective regardless of your position you need to know how to communicate. Try the following link:

Communication Skills for New supervisors


Arul John Peter